Employment Services
Meaningful Employment
The ability to find meaningful employment is something that everyone wants. Here at BHSSA we take a unique approach with the individuals that we support called Customized Employment. This unique process allows us to discover with the individual their passions, their skills and their dreams. We use this to aid in matching them with the right employer.
Many of the individuals BHSSA supports with employment have meaningful employment within our community as well as self-employment businesses. The Customized Employment approach has received positive feedback from both employers and individuals we support.
Some of the employers in our community who employ Individuals with developmental disabilities are:
ADLC, Pembina West Coop, Home Building Centre, County of Barrhead, Keir Care Centre, Barrhead Leader, North Plex, Sunnyside realty, Tim Hortons, Pembina Hills School Divsion and Ripple Connection.
Blue Heron has multiple Customized Employment and Job Coaching trainers who provide staff with the necessary skills and confidence to work one on one with each individuals at their specific work site.
Benefits to Employers that hire someone with a disability
Reliable and dependable employees
Work force diversity
Fosters positive staff morale – creates a culture that supports flexibility and sensitivity to individual differences
Workforce reflects the demographic makeup of your customer base/ community
Canadians with disabilities have accesses of a combined annual disposable income of 25 billion dollars
The different types of employment opportunities that may be available
Paid Employment
Resource Ownership
Self Employment
A Business within a Business