FASD/PCAP - Hinton, Jasper
What is FASD?
FASD, also known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a complex diagnosis that has effects on the brain due to prenatal alcohol exposure. The individual may experience cognitive challenges as well as memory and sensory processing issues. FASD is one of the most common invisible disabilities that is often misunderstood. The agency works t support clients in living as independently as possible with the supports that they require to be successful. This contract covers the area of Hinton, Edson and Jasper and Includes two different programs: FASD mentorship program, and PCAP mentorship program. FASD diagnostic services are also available through these programs. More information is available through the government of Alberta Website at http://fasd.alberta.ca/fasd-in-alberta.aspx.
What is the FASD mentorship Program?
This program is available in Hinton and Jasper, and is designed to support individuals that have been diagnosed or suspected of having FASD. The program is designed to help the individuals be connected to other supports in the community such as Alberta Works, Employment, Housing, PDD ( People with Developmental Disabilities), AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped), FASD clinical testing and many more. This program also focuses on providing educational training to build community capacity. The role of the FASD mentor is to build relationships with the individual, and assist with navigating complex systems that provide Albertans with Support. The mentor will work with the individual to identify personal goals, needs and wants and work with them to achieve these goals with the supports they need to enhance their strengths and assist in areas that may experience challenges. The mentor works with community stakeholders to build understanding of the complexities of FASD, and actively work to reduce stigma around this topic.
What is the role of the FASD caseworker?
The role of the FASD mentor is to build relationships with the individual, and assist with navigating complex systems that provide Albertans with Support. The mentor will work with the individual to identify personal goals, needs and wants and work with them to achieve these goals with the supports they need to enhance their strengths and assist in areas that may experience challenges. The mentor works with community stakeholders to build understanding of the complexities of FASD, and actively work to reduce stigma around this topic.
What is the Parent and Child Assistance Program (PCAP)?
This three year program is available in Edson and Hinton and focuses on support for women who are:
pregnant or up to six months postpartum
Abused alcohol/drugs during pregnancy
Is not successfully engaged with community service providers
Has delivered a child diagnosed with an FASD
Is still drinking or using substances
Is in childbearing years
What is the role of the PCAP caseworker?
The role of the PCAP mentor is to build relationships with the individual, and assist with navigating complex systems that provide Albertans with Support. The mentor will work with the individual to identify personal goals, needs and wants and work with them to achieve these goals with the supports they need to enhance their strengths and assist in areas that may experience challenges. The mentor works with community stakeholders to build understanding of the difficulties faced by high risk pregnancy women, this harm reduction program accepts women who are actively using alcohol and drugs at risk of, and during, pregnancy. The mentor also helps manage the complexities of parenting a child with FASD, and actively works to reduce further FASD affected births. This program is designed to help both the mother and the child.
Building Knowledge and Understanding
BHSSA aims to increase the understanding of FASD and actively work towards reducing stigma. FREE Training is available to the community, agencies or private individual that would like to know more about this topic. To arrange a training session, please contact Shannon.Harris@bhssa.ca
FASD training can be provided at request free of charge!!
Just connect with one of the mentors listed below
How to refer?
Referrals can be made by community agencies, physicians, therapists, schools, or any other community resource, as well as self-referral by the individual themselves.
Applications for Referral are available on our website at www.bhssa.ca or may be requested by email to:
or by contacting our local mentors in Hinton and Jasper:
Amy: 780-223-9143
Carole: 780-223-9140