June is Brain Injury Awareness month
Brain Injury Awareness Month – Daily Did You Know?
1. Did you know?
June is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Your Brain generates about 12 – 25 watts of electricity. This is enough to power a low wattage LED light bulb. – Be Brain Fit

2. Did you know?
Your helmet should be replaced every 3 to 5 years. Reasoning being that the foam degrades due to sun, heat, salty sweat and other environmental factors, added to the usual knocks of regular cycling. – roadbikerider.com
3. Did you know?
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can reduce brain damage and complications.
4. Did you know?
You need to replace your helmet if you have had an impact to your head.

5. Did you know?
An acquired brain injury (ABI) is a disruption in brain function that occurs after birth. It isn't hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma.
Traumatic Brain Injury - an injury to the brain caused by an external source such as:
a motor vehicle collision
a fall
a sports-related injury
an assault
Non-traumatic Brain Injury - an internal injury to the brain which can be the result of:
a stroke, aneurysm, brain bleed
brain tumour, infection
substance use, ingesting other toxins
oxygen deprivation (e.g. near-drowning or overdose). – braintrustcanada.com
6. Did you know?
Research has revealed that bike helmets decrease the risk of brain injury by over 85%. A safety approved, properly fitted helmet can help you to avoid serious injury or death. - www.kazlaw.ca/single-post/2016/08/11/helmet-safety-tips/
7. Did you know?
Eight out of ten provinces currently have helmet laws (Saskatchewan and Quebec are the exceptions). Of these, only five provinces require adults to wear bicycle helmets when riding. British Columbia is one of these five.
· British Columbia — all cyclists
· Manitoba — cyclists under 18
· Alberta — cyclists under 18
· Ontario — cyclists under 18
· Nova Scotia — all cyclists
· New Brunswick — all cyclists
· Newfoundland — all cyclists
· Prince Edward Island — all cyclists
8. Did you know?
Every brain injury is unique. Each person sustaining a brain injury may be affected differently depending on the location of the injury, its severity, any history of previous brain injuries, and age. Brain injury can cause a wide range of changes which may include:
more time needed to process information
difficulty completing daily tasks
difficulty communicating
difficulty with memory, reasoning
difficulty concentrating
sensitivity to light/sound
loss of coordination or balance
vision impairment
chronic pain
dizziness; vertigo
personality changes
irritability; anger
mood swings
social inappropriateness
sadness; anxiety; depression
showing little emotion
loss of sense of self
engaging in risky behaviour
social inappropriateness
difficulty with relationships
changes in sleep pattern
social isolation
changes in personality
9. Did you know?
Brain injury is an invisible injury. On the outside, people with a brain injury can appear to be fully recovered. Meanwhile, they are still struggling internally with the effects of their injury. This can result in others expecting more of them than they can give.
Recovery can be a long - sometimes lifelong - journey. Those with brain injury will respond to being treated with patience, respect, and encouragement.
10. Did you know?
Acquired brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability for Canadians under the age of 40. In fact, 30 percent of all brain injuries in Canada are suffered by children and youth, with acquired brain injury the leading cause of death and disability among children. - www.nbia.ca/brain-injury-statistics/
11. Did you know?
“A concussion is a brain injury that can’t be seen on routine X-rays, CT scans or MRIs. It affects the way a person may think and remember things, and can cause a variety of symptoms. Any blow to the head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that jars your head, could cause a concussion.” www.parachute.ca
For more information on concussions including signs and symptoms go to… https://parachute.ca/en/injury-topic/concussion/
12. Did you know?
“In order for helmets to protect adults and children properly, they must be correctly fitted and secured. You also need to choose the right kind of helmet for the right kind of sports or transportation activity.” www.parachute.ca
For more information on helmets including how to properly fit a bike helmet, go to… https://parachute.ca/en/injury-topic/helmets/helmets-for-bicycles-skateboarding-inline-skating-scooter-riding/
13. Did you know?

14. Did you know?
The brain is the control center of your body and your body has nerve cells. The nerves send messages from the brain to your body and then, the body send messages back to your brain. Your brain needs to function properly in order to do things such as tell your nose to smell, your ears to hear and your eyes to see. -Acquired Brain Injury Partnership Project
15. Did you know?
Each lobe of the brain has a different function. - www.brainconnection.com

16. Did you know?
The human brain is spongy to the touch, weighs about three pounds and looks kind of
like a head of cauliflower. - www.brainconnection.com
17. Did you know?
